Master The Art & Science of Reading People (Self Directed Video Learning)
By Asia's Leading Assessment Tools Provider
Personality Profiling Assessment Designed
For Asia Using The DISC Framework
Re-designed Specifically For Asian Context
Click on this link to watch the first complimentary session
titled Master the Art & Science of Reading People
After years of providing “on-site live” as well as “online” synchronous training, it’s time to expand our horizons. DISCAsiaPlus, the only DISC personality profiling system that integrates Emotional Response and utilises Asians in the design of the instrument, announces the launch of another branch of our training platform, the “self-directed video” learning series. Learners can access course materials and lectures at their leisure, allowing them to balance their education with other obligations such as employment or family responsibilities.
The entire video programme is scheduled for about 90 minutes. A total of 5 sessions with each lasting between 14-22 minutes. After each session, learners are required to complete an assignment related to the session. After completing the video learning series, learners will register for an hour of online coaching with the facilitator who will guide them with hands-on examples on how to interpret the DISC graphs. This series deals with the four dimensions D, I, S and C.
Click to watch the first Complimentary Video Session titled:
"Master the Art & Science of Reading People"
What You Will Learn In The video course
Maximising your strengths and minimising your weaknesses
Guarding the best and avoiding the
worst thing about you!
Increased Communication Effectiveness
How to speak so that people want to listen & how to listen so that others want to speak
Increased Understanding of Self & Others
How to read others like a book
Increased Relational Quotient with Colleagues, stakeholders and family
Most problems today are not
technical but relational
Build lasting commitment & cooperation
No man is an island, we need
others and others need us
discover what's unique
about yourself and others
Understand the characteristics of each
dimention D, I, S and C
Discover how each dimension interacts
to produce its unique portrait
Learn to write a brief description
of any DISC Graph
learn how to read and
understand people
The workshop is conducted through video learning and personal/group coaching. You can book the coaching session with us.
After the video course, you can register for the coach certification course. You will undergo a deep immersion into the DISCAsiaPlus model with the skills to interpret any DISC profile integrated with Emotional Response.
We issue certificates of completion certifying you as “Certified Human Behaviour
Practitioner” when you successfully complete the course requirements. The certificate is issued by “Management Centre of Asia Pte Ltd”.
Once you are certified, you are authorised to run your own workshops in profiling. You can get access to the system portal and manage all your profiling projects. Of course, you can charge people for the profiling and interpretation services offered.
Simply click on the register now button to get started
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